Monday, April 20, 2020

Resume and Cover Letter Writing Tips For Media Students

Resume and Cover Letter Writing Tips For Media StudentsSo, you've landed your dream job. Now what?First, keep in mind that when you get a job, it's not just about getting a position, but achieving success and building a successful career as well. Since so many media students want to be paid, they overlook the importance of good marketing and credibility. They also overlook the importance of setting goals and making sure that they achieve them.Start off by keeping your resume up to date. Hire a professional resume writer, who will write your resume for you. The writer will use a variety of templates, and will also make it seem like you are smarter than you really are. Be prepared to be paid to have your resume professionally written.The next important step is to get your name, address, phone number, and contact information. Then get a book (or CD) of professionally designed resume/cover letter writing tips for media students. A compilation of all the tips would be the best for this ty pe of job, since you can start looking for one that's going to make you stand out from the crowd.The next step is to use all of the tips to write your resume, cover letter, and interview. With all of the tips, you'll have a better chance of success, because you'll be better prepared to show them you know how to make the most of your time in the job market.When you're asked for samples of your work, focus on life experience. You'll be able to point to your work experiences when you're asked for examples. This helps your case. Some people only like to submit their resumes, so be prepared to put a lot of effort into this area.Marketing is very important when you want to get hired. It will help you build a career in the media. Marketing is also very important for networking. With networking, you'll be able to find more jobs, and help other students in your career.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Teacher Pay What Teachers Want Americans to Understand

Teacher Pay What Teachers Want Americans to Understand Chances are you’ve witnessed a teacher at work. They taught you in your childhood and adolescence; they graded your tests and essays. Perhaps they also served as your high school soccer coach or drove the bus you took to school each day. They may now be shepherding your children through the same educational system, helping them strengthen basic skills and uncover their passions. But as a student â€" or even a parent â€" you’ve probably only observed the basics. “People think they know what it’s about because they went to school,” says Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, a union that represents more than 1 million teachers nationwide. “But going to school and being a school teacher are the difference of night and day.” Over the last year, educators in a number of states have launched protests, strikes, and walkouts to draw attention to what they say is unfair pay and work conditions. Teachers have detailed the financial difficulties that come as the result of years-long pay freezes and growing pensions that dig deeper into their paychecks. Many of them work second or third jobs to make ends meet and pick up extra responsibilities in the school district for extra cash. And that long-sought-after summer break, which corporate employees can only dream of? A lot of educators work then, too â€" teaching summer school, picking up more restaurant shifts than during the school year, or spending weeks in training and preparing new lessons plans. Teaching in America now appears to have reached a tipping point. Low wages have driven some teachers out of the profession entirely, and fewer people want to become educators â€" heightening a teacher shortage crisis as class sizes grow larger and educators take on extra roles. Educators who spoke with MONEY believe they are undervalued, underpaid and underappreciated. They cited countless stories of peers who denigrated their careers and friends who misunderstood all that it takes to be a teacher. “It’s an extreme amount of pressure. It’s like running a sprint that’s the length of a marathon; it’s just constant,” says Emily James, a high school English teacher in Brooklyn, N.Y. “You can’t mess up because you have kids right in front of you. You can’t mess up because they’ll break down. You have to be there physically, emotionally and academically at all times.” MONEY asked more than 10 current and former teachers from around the country what they wished Americans understood about their jobs, their work conditions, and their pay. Here’s what we learned. Teachers make less even than workers with similar qualifications. Teachers have faced stifled wages and pay freezes for years. And a recent report from the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning organization, found that public school teachers earn on average hundreds of dollars less a week â€" about 18.7% less â€" than other college graduates with full-time jobs, as MONEY detailed earlier this month. Oklahoma teacher rally at the state capitol on April 2, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. J Pat Carterâ€"Getty Images Even when teachers’ better benefits are factored in, there’s an 11.1% compensation discrepancy, the study found. “We get paid less for similar skills and take on more and more stress than most people who are working in America,” says Weingarten, the union president. “For the level of education we’re required to have, we’re not compensated,” adds Laura Lomayesva, an Arizona teacher who used to work in the corporate field. Teachers will be the first to tell you they never got into the profession for the money. But decades of battling for higher wages has made it more difficult to stay in the profession for some. Suzanne Evans, who has taught middle school just outside of Oakland, Calif., for 16 years, says her union has struggled to guarantee substantial raises, despite the Bay Area’s escalating cost of living â€" and that continuing to battle each year has been exhausting. “After 16 years, I’m just getting fed up of fighting for pennies,” Evans says. Some teachers don’t get paid during the summer. One reason the Economic Policy Institute study focused on weekly pay, rather than annual: Many teachers do not receive paychecks during the summer. Some school districts offer teachers a 12-month paycheck schedule, but many don’t. That makes summertime less like a paid vacation, and more like an unpaid furlough. “We don’t get paid for any time we’re not in contact with students,” says Kendra Gish, who has been teaching for 16 years in Doubles County, Colorado. “That’s one of the biggest misconceptions that people feel about teaching.” Teachers rally at the state capitol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 4, 2018. J PAT CARTERâ€"AFP/Getty Images Even during the year, many teachers work extra jobs … Of course, educators say they often pick up other jobs or extra hours during the summer months. That’s made easier by the fact that many are already holding down second or even third jobs o help make ends meet. These supplemental professions â€" ranging from roles in gig economy, like renting their homes out on Airbnb, to truck driving to tutoring â€" are often vital for some teachers to stay afloat. Evans, the middle school teacher from California, works part-time as a police dispatcher to afford her medical benefits for her daughter. “I don’t have a choice,” she says. “The medical benefits through the district are so expensive. I have to have a supplemental income.” Other teachers tell MONEY stories of driving straight from school to a bartending gig, working after hours at school sporting events, picking up tutoring gigs and selling golf merchandise on the side. Teachers are 30% more likely to have second or third jobs than those aren’t educators, according to recent research from the Brookings Institution. … Even while devoting night and weekend hours to teaching work. One year when Walt DelGirono, a retired special education teacher in Delaware, was still working, he decided to map out how many hours he logged for the full year. He included after-hour time during the week, as well as hours spent during weekends, holidays, breaks, and summer vacation. When he added it all up, it came out to about 2,000 hours over the course of the year: 50 weeks, and 40 hours per week. “That sounds like a full time job to me,” DelGirono, told MONEY via email. That’s a sharp contrast with the popular notion of teaching: days that starting at 7:30 a.m. and end by 3 p.m., with all the same vacations and holidays you might remember from childhood. But teachers often find themselves grading papers late into the evenings, for hours on weekends, and throughout their school-sanctioned breaks. That has become particularly challenging in recent years, educators say, as some classroom sizes have grown to upward of 40 students, with teachers covering four or five periods per day. That notion of short school days and lengthy breaks simply doesn’t reflect reality, educators say. As Lomayesva, the special education teacher from Arizona, puts it: “That’s really not how things work.” Teachers continue their strike at the state capitol on April 9, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. J Pat Carterâ€"Getty Images Almost all teachers spend their own money on supplies. Of the money teachers do make, a portion of it is spent back on the classroom. A recent Department of Education survey found that, between 2014 and 2015, a startling 94% of public school teachers paid for school supplies without reimbursement from their school districts. Many school districts have stipends for teachers to use on providing supplies, decorating their classrooms and more â€" but that cash doesn’t last long, teachers tell MONEY. In Brooklyn, James receives a $250 budget each year for school supplies. “But I end up spending that before class even starts,” she says. Before the 2018-19 school year, James returned to find a mess left behind by summer school classes; she says she spent $500 of her own money on cleaning supplies, organizational supplies, shelving and other materials to get her classroom cleaned up and organized. Teaching can exact a stiff emotional toll. In addition to out-of-pocket costs, educators say they often face a heavy emotional outlay. “We’re not expected to deliver just an academic curriculum,” says James, the English teacher from Brooklyn. “We’re emotional educators for kids as well. I teach them English, but 50% of my job is teaching English and the other 50% is teaching them how to be students, and how to be teenagers.” Teachers continue their strike at the state capitol on April 9, 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. J Pat Carterâ€"Getty Images Brianne Solomon, an art teacher from West Virginia, says she feels like a surrogate parent or sibling to her more than 180 students. Each of them have her phone number, so she often serves as a resource even when she’s not in the classroom. “So many of our students come from broken homes, and you have to pick up the slack. You have to combat all of that,” Solomon says. “These kids don’t come to school to learn. They come to be loved.” Of course, for many of the educators who spoke with MONEY, these emotional connections are exactly what keep them in the profession. Even so, however, balancing it all can be exhausting. “It’s an incredible amount of work,” says John Troutman McCrann, a high school math teacher based in New York City. That work, he says, can be “life-altering” â€" but also “incredibly draining.” Teachers feel undervalued, misunderstood, and disrespected. It’s hard to say exactly how, or when, the public’s view of teaching diverged from reality. But the upshot, say teachers, is a sense that they are undervalued and misunderstood. When educators walked out of schools around the country earlier this year to demand higher wages, better benefits and improved working conditions, some state legislatures responded with extra funding. But teachers note that for many state governments, funding public education is not a top priority. It’s mystifying, says McCrann, the math teacher from New York: Wouldn’t an taxpayer or state lawmaker want their children to have the best-equipped teachers possible? “People need to think about what kind of experience they want the person who’s leading the learning of their child to have,” he says. “Do I want them sleeping four hours a night? No one in their right mind would choose that for their own kids.” Indeed, many teachers did not go into the profession for its wages and hours. Many come into the field to help children develop and learn â€" and to make a difference in their lives. But teachers feel like they aren’t seen this way â€" and they want that to change. “We’re not babysitting,” says Gish, the teacher from Colorado. “We are molding the future.”

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Need a Career Counselor Today - Work It Daily

5 Reasons Why You Need a Career Counselor Today - Work It Daily I recently joined a number of career-related Linked In groups to stay on top of what is current in our field, and to interact with like-minded folks. What a great resource! I would highly recommend that if you have an interest in just about anything, you find a Linked In group to connect with. I digress. One of the topics that come up over and over in the groups I peruse is that we Career Professionals are poor communicators when it comes to educating the public about our VITAL service. Why this is, I’m not sure. Perhaps because we are in a helping profession, we are reluctant to “sell” what we do. Well, the time has come to spill. There are simply too many people who are visiting this site daily, who should be calling us for help immediately â€" call it Career 911. With all the information available online, it’s no wonder that many career seekers hesitate to spend their hard earned or quickly dwindling dollars on a Career Counselor. It “appears” as if everything one needs to make a career change is free. If you are in college, you may have tried to use the Career Center service but were disappointed to find that it is primarily a great resource, but does not offer the kind of in-depth counseling required for many students to define a clear career direction. So, I’ve decided to put my two cents in to educate those of you who have considered getting help, but have held back on making the investment. Yes, call this a blatant “commercial” no holds barred for our profession. It’s time to “spill.” Our country’s national unemployment rate is only a symptom. Here are five reasons you will want to get the help you need from a professional today: 1. You are a college graduate and you are still trying to get your “foot in the door.” Here’s the thing. It is not really about getting your foot in the door. The job market is filled with people competing for the same job with no idea why, other than they need work now or they are being pressured to get out there and find something â€" and fast. How many years have you spent training (in college) so that you can now grovel to find anything and you really have no clue what you REALLY want in a career or what career happiness even looks like? Time for some help. 2. You have been fired from your current job because you weren’t quite measuring up. Or, you were laid off because they just had to cut personnel â€" but why you? There are likely a number of unconscious reasons why you may think you were doing fine, but your employer knew that there was something missing for you, even before you did. Deep down, you know the reason, but when faced with the shock of job loss, it’s hard to see the truth. Here it is â€" you simply were in the wrong job or career. People who love what do they rarely get fired. Time to get help defining what career happiness is for you. 3. OK, you are just miserable in your current job but you’re still working. How much longer can you hold out? Two months, a year? Sooner or later your lack of enthusiasm for the job will show up in your work or you will end up with health issues, burn out or be laid off. Time to get help. Be proactive. Find the support you need to move forward and define your ideal work. Life is short. It’s a small investment for a BIG return later on. Career Counselors are trained to help you see your work life from an entirely NEW perspective. How has the old way been working for you? 4. You think you already know what you’re looking for in a job or career, but you are hitting a wall â€" and no, “I want to work for a non-profit organization” is not enough. Employers are much more likely to spend time and focus on those who know what they want in all aspect of their work. They are attracted to those who know themselves, are clear and focused on their goals, and who can come in and tell THEM who they are, how they can contribute to the organization and how that organization can support them to do their very best work. They are confidently clear in their choice of a career or job goal. And it is clear to the employer that they are passionate about the job they are applying for. To get to this place, get help today. That’s what we Career Counselors do â€" help you get there and become that person. 5. You have amazing, creative ideas about what you would love to do, but can’t seem to get focused long enough to take the next step and do something about it. Clearly, it’s time to get help. Career Counselors who have the education, training and experience can help you clarify your dreams. Isn’t it time to get the full on support you need from someone who understands the career/job world? Career counseling helps you define the goal â€" coaching then comes to help you get there. Shell Mendelson, founder of NB Careers, specializes in guiding individuals with Career ADD and Career Paralysis to define an authentic career direction. Click here » to download a FREE “Six Minute Quick Goal Setting” exercise and take the first step on your job search journey. Read more » articles by this approved career expert | Click here » if you’re a career expert Image from Muemoon/Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!